If you are thinking about ordering any Christmas gifts from my website, you still have time. Order any handmade item by the 15th and any other item by the 17th and I guarantee you will get it by the 24th. If you miss those deadlines, send me an email and we can probably work something out.
So far this has been the least stressful December I've had for the past couple years. I'm done with my internship (got enough hours in by November) and I'm not taking any other classes, so I don't have to go through the hell of balancing finals week with the holiday shopping madness. I've been getting all handmade orders out within less than a week, which is awesome for this time of year!
I took a lot of pictures while working at my internship at the bridal gown line. I will make a big post about the experience soon! Everybody that works at that business was super nice and helpful. If you live in Northern California and are in need of a wedding dress, I definitely recommend you check them out: Miosa Couture at 12th and J streets in downtown Sacramento.
Now for a random story that some of my Sacramento friends should enjoy. Earlier this year, I wrote up a big post about trying to fix up Casa de Chaos, the punk house that I live in with five other people. (Read it here) We've made a small amount of progress, but I'll talk about that later. As some people probably know, the next door neighbors moved out and so their entire house was for rent.
A couple of my friends from middle school/high school moved in next door on the 1st of this month. (Which is funny, because the old next-door neighbor was a teacher at my elementary school in midtown. Sacramento is weird like that.) My friends were excited about living in a giant old house with super cheap rent. I checked out the house with them last month, and as soon as I walked in, I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. The place had brand new carpet, freshly painted walls, 9 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, a fucking LAUNDRY ROOM, and central heating, all for only $50 more a month than my crowded, dirty house! I irrationally demanded that my friends let me switch houses and move in with them, but they said seven people had already claimed the rooms.
Once I told my roommates about the paradise next door, we all became super jealous and a little pissed that the landlord seemed to care so much more about the other house. (He owns all 3 Victorian houses on my block) So we started making bets at how long my friends were gonna last at that house. I was guessing it would take 6 months for the place to be in worse shape than my house. Think about it: what could be the only possible outcome of seven broke 20-somethings living together in a 100 year old house? Did I also mention they love to drink and the neighborhood is surrounded by dive bars and drunks?
Long story short, on the 6th day of them living next door, me and my roommate Vince convinced them to check out their attic. People used to hang out in our attic, so it seemed like a good idea.
This was the end result:
My friend Austin busted the ceiling! (And yes, that's Vince grinning and sending his own picture to everybody) I was almost directly underneath him when Austin's leg burst through the ceiling and I was showered with a fucking mountain of insulation. He had stepped on a beam that should not have broken underneath his weight, so we can't really blame him. The house is just totally rotten. All the roommates ran into the hallway and started freaking out about how they weren't gonna get their deposit back now.
Vince and I laughed for about 20 minutes straight. We know how much of a douche the landlord is. Ceiling hole or not, their money is gone. All two thousand dollars of it. And our fucked up predictions for that house already seem to be coming true. Hahahahaha...
Pictures of both houses. (From Google street view. Go ahead, stalk me!) My house is on the right. The city has been cracking down on the landlord recently, so the houses actually look a bit better now than when this picture was taken. At least my house isn't totally inferior: we have a nicer porch, and a basement big enough to put on punk rock shows. Also, the back part of our house is at a lesser slant than the back part of the other house. We're on a small hill, so there's been a bit of a gravity problem over the past 100 years! My sewing room floor is at an angle slanting down towards all my windows, so people sometimes get dizzy when they walk in!
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