Kay Tindell took most of these photos. The rest of them can be found here.

On the subway. Guess I still don’t know how to properly smile for the camera.

Being obnoxious at Mood fabrics.

I was wearing a too-small jacket lent to me by another student, because fucking Jet Blue didn't send my luggage to New York with me. The ended up sending it on the next flight, so I got it 12 hours late. Going from mild Sacramento weather to pouring rain New York weather isn't fun when all your winter clothes are left behind! (I did have an umbrella in my purse, but it was stolen when we went to Mood and had to leave umbrellas by the door. Seriously, the first day of this trip was just one problem after another!)

Picture from the little pastry shop near our hotel. I tried to stick to a budget of only $100 for food (over five days) but it was a little difficult when breakfast was eight dollars! The random food carts on every street corner had better deals.

The only pictures I found from the Broadway show of Mamma Mia that we went to. I was a little afraid of listening to Abba songs for several hours straight, but I actually enjoyed the show. Even though for the new week my brain kept telling me that I was a dancing queen.

After the show, we went to the bar across from our hotel. It was part of another more expensive hotel. It was called Aspen, and had dim lighting and was decorated to look like a forest. I definitely have my drunk face going on in this shot, but I wasn’t even tipsy. Our margarita pitcher cost $60, so I wasn’t about to get drunk in that place! In this shot, we were laughing because Pam pointed out that the bar tables looked like giant spools of thread.
After the bar, several of us roamed Times Square till late at night, acting immature and taking silly pictures.

We managed to get ourselves kicked out of the building that had all the stairs and escalators. Fuck yeah!
Another night me and two others went on a hunt for dive bars. We ended up at a place that sold $8 beers and was called something like The Headless Sheep or The Slaughtered Lamb. That was the glorious night that I discovered that New York law allows alcohol to be served until 4am. And the subway trains run all night.
Oh wait, that’s right, I live a block away from my favorite bar that sells $6 pitchers, so I don’t even need public transportation. I can even run home if the bathroom line is too long. Oh well, drinking in New York was fun!
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