What's next? I may continue going to school to take more business classes, maybe get a business degree. Worrying about the future just stresses me out, so I'm trying to not think about it until the time comes to make more decisions. Right now I am just trying to focus on getting through all my classes. I've somehow managed to maintain a 3.9 GPA, which means my perfectionist side will be stressing out about receiving any grade less than an A. Anybody want to trade brains with me? I drive myself nuts sometimes.
Anyways, earlier this month I was interviewed by Jinxi, writer/vegan/tattoo collector/all-around awesome person. You can find the interview on her blog, here's the link:
Jinxi Boo Interview with Annie Rose (Deranged Designs)

I also finally managed to finish my write-ups of my trip to New York last year. Here are links to all the postings, complete with lots of pictures:
NYC Fashion Industry Trip (Part 1)
NYC Fashion Industry Trip (Part 2)
NYC Fashion Industry Trip (Part 3)
Any sewing or fashion design nerd should find something of interest in these posts. I spent a lot of time on them, so I would appreciate any comments!
Since I will be so busy with school over the next four months, I probably won't have time to update my website as much as I would like. If I have any spare time, I will try to make some new one-of-a-kind outfits to put up for sale. A while ago I promised a friend of mine that I would make a bunch of polka-dot themed outfits that she could model, because she loves polka-dots. Now she won't stop annoying me about it. So I might start on that soon!
My house is having another basement show tomorrow night. I think the Secretions might be shooting a video of it, for their new song "Casa de Chaos". This should be a lot of fun!
Well, now I'm off to do more homework. It never ends!

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