Most of the handmade stuff on my website is made from scratch, but these skirts are made of certain recycled clothing items that I've had for a long time. I'm addicted to thrift stores and I have ended up with so much stuff over the years.
Anyways, the top part of the plaid skirt was originally a pair of plaid stretch pants. I bought them even though they were several sizes too large, thinking that I could turn them into leggings. I realized that the waistband fit perfectly around my low waist so I decided to turn them into a low cut skirt instead. I found a big plaid ruffle to sew to the bottom and I added some grommet tape trim.
If you have some basic sewing skills it's easy to find a use for just about any thrift store clothing item. This sewing project would work for any type of awesome printed pants that fit you around the waist but don't fit anywhere else. I still have the plaid legs leftover too, so I'll have to think of a way to use the rest of the pants.
For the second skirt I cut a long striped skirt in half to make a mini skirt. I used the bottom part of the skirt and added my own waistband and zipper trim. The hem on the skirt was already finished so that saved me some sewing time. I still have the top part of the skirt with the zipper closure which I can make into another skirt when I have time.
So once I figure out what to do with the extra plaid pant legs and the top part of the striped skirt, I will have made four garments out of two garments. Not bad! Now if only I could curb my thrift store addiction, I might end up with some extra closet space.
Just kidding, Thrift Town is having a 30% off sale on Friday. Here I go again...